Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Never #1

In high school there are always the Math wizzes, Track stars, perfect figured cheerleaders, and the nerds in AP classes. I was never the best at anything, which hindered my path into college. I liked many things, I loved nothing, but decided to go to college for architecture.

My first and second year of college I began to find my weaknesses, calculus, and my strengths, making hard decisions. It might not be the name of a class, but “making hard decisions” is a skill I will value the rest of my life. It allowed me to switch my major, switch my college, and switch my city. It put me onto a direction that favored a wide range of talents, not one specialty.

If you are one of those people who don’t exceed in only one area, but exceed in adapting to many things, that is your #1.  Many jobs these days require a variety of skills, and if you fail at any one of them it could create a huge gap in your workload. So embrace your many skills, this makes you more versatile, adaptable, moldable, and gives you more of a management mentality.

Hailey Schultz

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Table of Contents to my Life

I finally put together a personal website!

The purpose of this website is to keep track of all running projects. It holds my contact information and keeps people up to date on my personal and professional life.

I love the idea of everyone having websites because unlike Facebook or Linkedin, you have total control of what to show, what things say, and it can be a great representation of who you are. So many of these prebuilt pages make it hard to stand out, they tend to communize everyone.

Hailey Schultz

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's a lunch?

Once you turn salary this is a question many of us ask. I step away from my desk to have lunch around once a month, as for the rest of the workdays I take a 15 minute internet/ snack break 2 or 3 times a day. 

Although personally I would like to not have a lunch break and leave 1 hour early from work everyday, I think lunch is something people should take advantage of, including myself. When I leave the office and come back I feel refreshed, empowered, and less tied down. I was not bothered by e-mails or a bright screen, I got to walk around, and I'm ready to push through the rest of my workload. 

I read an article recently of a CEO who works 4 days a week. How is that possible? Besides being very well organized and efficient, they don't get burnt out. They have a generous weekend with time to relax and rejuvenate themselves. 

Not very many people have the option to work only 4 days a week, but by taking your lunch break to relax and rejuvenate, I think your work and your day will be much more satisfying. 

Hailey Schultz

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Personal vs. Business

When I go to work in the morning I bring a lot of myself, and little is turned off. So how do you tell if it is personal, or business?

At work I analyze work, everywhere else I analyze people. At work I am not judging you for what you do at home, I am only concerned about your work and professionalism.

We have quite a few temps that have been helping us with the Fall workload and they have taught me so much. Every so often I might e-mail a brisk comment to them, this is not meant to judge them as a person, but to judge their work and to help them learn. As far as I am concerned their work is a completely different subject than them as a person.

Many people take things personally, including myself, and it only hurts yourself. Don’t waste your energy, keep it professional on your end, and you will grow much easier.

Hailey Schultz

Friday, September 6, 2013

In over your ski tips

--> I taught one of my brothers how to ski when he was just shy of turning 3. He wore one of those crazy colorful ski hats so we would be sure not to loose him. One of my favorite things to do is go skiing on a weekday around 9pm when no one else is around, you can hear your skies cutting through the snow, you don’t have to worry about anyone else, and you can glide down the hill at your own leisure. It is the only thing in this world I have found to clear my head.

But there have been those days where I am skiing and, although usually I fall backwards, I have been “over my ski tips.” Sometimes you can redeem yourself, others result in an injury-like a sprained knee…yes this can carry over to other aspects of life ha! Many times I have taken on more than enough workload for two people, and as I try to slow down to process the information around me I usually redeem myself, however there are a few occasions where I have tripped up…

The good thing about spraining your knee every so often is it reminds you to be more cautious. You need to watch out for yourself and be careful with the choices you make. You might briefly look like an Olympic skier, but if you end the run with a broken neck, it wasn’t worth the fleeting glory.

Every year I learn more about my own abilities and limitations. I love pushing myself and seeing what happens. And don’t worry, I will keep you updated on the next success, or sprained knee.

Hailey Schultz