Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The truth about being an independent single woman

-->      I have come from generation after generation of single women. My great grandmother was left a widow with 3 young children, my grandmother is divorced and has lived on her own for over 2 decades, and my mother is a single parent with 5 children, so being an independent woman runs in my blood.
     The glorified life of being a career driven young professional, traveling with no one to answer to, paving my own path, living my own dreams. My nights are mine, the remote is by my side, no one to judge, no one to answer to. 

     There is however a dark side to such a life. I would hope to someday have a family, but I am familiar and content with my life as it is. The control I have right now is both empowering and intimidating. The more I live on my own, the more alpha is infused inside of me.
     So if I'm the alpha, so who will be my betta? That's a tough one. This is still a new concept to society. How do 2 alpha's find love...well if that day comes I will let you know.

Hailey Schultz

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hitting milestones

I am notorious for making lists, grocery lists, chore lists, birthday lists, to-buy lists, lists of goals, ‘what I want in a guy’ lists, lists of all my lists…Many go uncompleted or are lost and forgotten. But the satisfaction of making a list and crossing out every single thing on it is priceless.

I recently made a list of milestones in my life that I have accomplished and a list of milestones I want to accomplish. It was a very educational experience for myself and I was amazed at all of the challenges I had overcome. It was an extremely healthy and confidence-building exercise and I would push everyone to try it. My future now has a definite goal that links to all of the goals and milestones I have conquered, and the path is now crystal clear.

Hailey Schultz

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

birthday invitation

I just finished up a birthday invitation, great clients, fun job, I hope your Birthday Bash is amazing!

-Hailey Schultz

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wedding card

For all of the weddings this summer...

Birthday card

Fun cut out balloons for a birthday!


I have always had fun wrapping presents and making them feel personalized, giving them "Hand Touches." Hence my side card business' name "Hand Touches." This little gift holds 3 pictures of kitchen items I had sent to my friends apartment for their wedding shower. This way they did not have to transport the items 4 states away.

I favorite thing about this is it allows me to step away from the computer. Tip: find an outlet that is opposite of what you do during the workday. 

Hailey Schultz

Thursday, May 2, 2013

sleepy days

There are those days where the snooze button is pressed 3 or 4 times, my bed feels like a cloud and I do not want to get up, I want to call in sick but my gut tells me no...today was one of those days, but I dragged myself out of bed reluctantly and started my morning.

I've read a lot about "how to get over Monday's," & "Enjoying your work days more." It's not that I don't like working, I just don't like waking up, and I have to do it everyday for the rest of my life so you would think I would get over it. There are many tips I have run accross:
  • waking up and excersising
  • making a good breakfast
  • going out for lunch
  • stretching
  • laying everything out the night before so your morning is a breeze
  • schedualing morning meetings 
  • walking my dog
  • turning on upbeat positive music
  • waking up at the exact same time even on the weekends
I bet these work for some people...not me. I don't feel like cooking or running or music, I feel like sleep.

Hailey Schultz