Sunday, May 6, 2012

time savers

From the eyes of a newbie trying to save time

Ways I try to save time . . . 
1. When I need to take my dog out I grab the garbage, put on my running shoes, put a tank-top on to get a little sun, and I have already accomplished 4 things in 30 minutes: dog walk, tan, garbage out, 30 min work out.

2. Watching a movie: I watch it on my lap top so that the movie is mobile so I can eat dinner, paint my nails, do the dishes, fold and put away clothes, while having the movie play right next to me at all times. 

3. When I need groceries: I do all of my out and about errands, filling my gas tank, Target stop, drop off rent . . . yada yada but the biggest time saver if you live in a busy area, do your errands Monday or Tuesday nights, no one is out ever!

4. When I get a phone call: I clean, everything! Organize, put shoes away, dust . . . you will be amazed how much you get done!

I am a Queen at multitasking. I love working really hard for a short amount of time, and then when you really need a break, like me this weekend, you just lay in bed for hours watching movie after movie, eating brownies in bed in a clean apartment, and all of your errands have been finished, and your mind is clear. 

Hope everyone has a great week! 
