In high school there are always the Math wizzes, Track
stars, perfect figured cheerleaders, and the nerds in AP classes. I was never
the best at anything, which hindered my path into college. I liked many things,
I loved nothing, but decided to go to college for architecture.
My first and second year of college I began to find my
weaknesses, calculus, and my strengths, making hard decisions. It might not be
the name of a class, but “making hard decisions” is a skill I will value the
rest of my life. It allowed me to switch my major, switch my college, and
switch my city. It put me onto a direction that favored a wide range of
talents, not one specialty.
If you are one of those people who don’t exceed in only one
area, but exceed in adapting to many things, that is your #1. Many jobs these days require a variety of
skills, and if you fail at any one of them it could create a huge gap in your
workload. So embrace your many skills, this makes you more versatile,
adaptable, moldable, and gives you more of a management mentality.
Hailey Schultz